Note - Previous years are closed!  Use this for 2022 performances only!

The age grading calculations were updated for 2016 by the WMA.
In many events scores from 2016 and later cannot be directly compared to previous years.

Please enter your performance information below.  These will be age graded, and added to the yearly rankings.  Just a few basic rules:

  1. You must have been a current (2022) member of the Oregon Track Club and age 30 or up at the time of the event.
  2. The mark must be made in a verifiable competition, not in practice.
  3. If you know or suspect a mark is aided (wind aided, short road course, downhill, etc.) please don't submit it!

Even if you think your mark will not be at the top of the list, please submit it anyway!  We want to make the lists as complete as possible, and we want to recognize all the performances of club members.  This list is also used for determining All American awards.

Rankings are determined by using the WMA tables, which assign a percentage value to a performance which allows marks to be compared over various events as well as male vs. female.  The age grade percentage is the percentage of a hypothetical world record level (not the actual world record) for your gender and age.  The higher the age-grade percentage the better.

View ALL Marks For Year    

View TOP 10 Individuals For Year   


This calculator was derived from one originally created by Howard Grubb.  For everything you ever wanted to know about age grading, see his comprehensive Athletics Performance website.

STEP 1 - Select Your Event (pick one only)


Road Race:
 Standard Distance  
 OR Non-Standard Distance  Distance:   miles km
Field Events:
Walking Events (Road or Track):

STEP 2 - Enter Your Result (time, or distance/height in


Event Result:
Time/distance/height: Timing (Track Only) - Hand Auto

STEP 3 - Enter Your Age and Gender for Age Grading Calculation:


Age on Day of Event and Gender:
Age (on event date): Sex: M F

STEP 4 - Calculate Your Age Graded Result (Press Button)



Age Grading Results:
Age Factor (correction for your age vs. an open athlete):
Equivalent Result For an Open Age Athlete:
Open Standard (the mark an open athlete would need to score 100)
Age Standard (the mark you would need to score 100 at your age)

STEP 5 - If you were an Oregon Track Club Masters Member at the time of this event, enter your personal and event information for the club rankings.


Oregon Track Club Masters - Performance Rankings Info:
Your Name:
Event Name:
Event Date (must be in 2022): 2022
OTC Member on Event Date? Yes


NOTE - All-American Status is Updated Manually on a Weekly Basis.



Oregon Track Club Masters
P.O. Box 11364
Eugene, OR 97440
Webmaster Email